A 360 degree integrated digital and offline business analysis & marketing toolkit to work with and apply to your brand to build revenue, content, brand awareness and engagement.

A brand is not what we tell people it is.....it’s what people tell each other it is.
JAN Homepage Hero Banner.jpg


On shelf, CPG brands have less than 3 seconds to entice a customer to purchase. How do you want your product to speak to your customer?

MANTRA Ad FINAL with Crops.jpg


White space is the most uncomfortable place for most brand owners yet is imperative for selling. Dialing down the noise in creative allows the message to be impactful.

Family Web Banner.jpg


Content is King!

Website, social, email, print, PPC, video...every channel is important to brand growth and building a realistic brand strategy based on concise business analysis is key.

Zhena's Gypsy Tea 


Zhena's Gypsy Tea hired me to run a full brand analysis to determine where the brand could improve both online and on shelf and then implement those changes.

A full packaging rebrand was implemented to stand out on shelf in grocery and a new website was created to increase conversion and revenue. 

Social channels and influencer marketing programs were built out to drive awareness and strategic partnerships were sourced for alternative brand awareness channels.

Brand Lift: conversion went from a historical 1.8% to 17% during holiday with sales increasing by approx 25% across all channels.
Packaging Rebrand

Packaging Rebrand

E-Commerce Build Out

E-Commerce Build Out

Social Banners

Social Banners

IG Feed Zhena's Tea

IG Feed Zhena's Tea

Influencer Content

Influencer Content

Digital & Wholesale Sales Collateral


Stone Candles (a start up), was looking for a sales lift on their website utilizing the channels that could convert with no budget.

After analyzing their available inventory, assets, databases and conversion decided to aggressively work their email database, social channels and facebook ads. 

Brand Lift: The brand experienced a revenue lift of over 400% through their website and a lift of 15% in wholesale orders and a conversion jump from 2.3% to 4.2% in 6 short weeks.  


Website Banner

Website Banner

Social Post

Social Post

Website Banner

Website Banner

Nume Hair Tools Rebrand


Nume hired me with the following challenges:

Widen our target demo (18-24 yr old to 16 - 49 yr old)

Bring us OOH to reach a wider demo

Modernize our brand look and feel

Launch new makeup line with modern feel (18-34 yr old demo)

Brand Lift: In one year, sales increased by $15 million and within 3 short weeks the new brand campaign was trending at the same online conversion as the previous campaign.


nutika pink.jpg
Nume print.jpg
NuMe tools billboard.jpg
Nutika dryer black.jpg
tools web.jpg
wildpost 1000.jpg
Nails Camp 1000.jpg

Naturezway Products


Naturezway organic products hired me to address the following challenges:

 Perform an analysis of how to grow their business in alternative channels outside mass grocery.

Develop off the shelf programs both online and offline to generate lift at store level.

Develop new packaging concepts for their hero products:

paper towels, toilet paper and trash bags.

Brand Lift: A 100 page strategy document was delivered to the client outlining new wholesale revenue channels and a full packaging rebrand was presented.





Eurodent was suffering from a branding concept that was designed back in the 1980's and needed a refresh. I was hired to do a full rebrand on the following collateral:


Sales Collateral

Brand Identity: business cards, logo, letterhead

Press Kit

B2B Onboarding Collateral

Branded Email Campaign

Brand Lift: 75 page brand strategy document was presented. 
Wholesale sales increased by 2 million in one year post relaunch. 


eurodent banner.jpg